About Us

HEALS provides school-based medical, dental, & optometry care at local schools.

It is our mission to deliver accessible, quality, school-based, primary health care for children through collaborative efforts with the school system and the medical, dental, and optometry communities. By providing accessible school-based health care for eligible economically disadvantaged children, we are a real solution, right now to the health care crisis by providing them a with a medical, dental, and optometry home. 

HEALS makes a long-term national impact. It is undisputed that early intervention and health education lead to lower lifetime medical costs. In these times of health care reform, and much uncertainty on the national stage, HEALS is a real solution right now. 

HEALS makes a positive impact on our community. Healthy children learn better at school and have lower delinquency rates. Children who have a medical home where they are nurtured and supported are more likely to succeed in school and in life. Children who receive positive attention and whoa re given ways to take positive control of their lives are more likely to exhibit better behavior in school and in the community. 

HEALS makes an immediate impact. Children who have a medical home do not go to the Emergency Room for routine care. Therefore, children get high quality continuity of medical care, and fewer tax dollars are required to subsidize ER visits. 

Virtual Tour of HEALS Clinics

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heals provider testimony

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Additional Services

HEALS provides social services to families. 

  • Locating community resources for provision of household assistance such as food, clothing, shelter, and other household necessities. 
  • Information on education and management of chronic diseases: asthma, diabetes, etc. 

HEALS provides health education and wellness to kids. 

  • Asthma classes- American Lung Association 
  • Nutrition and exercise advice. 

Additional services for Madison County citizens: 

  • Assistance with children’s insurance application
  • Notification before child’s health insurance lapses

HEALS Insurance Outreach Services

  • HEALS Clinic Coordinators work with parents of ANY child in Madison County to help that child obtain insurance coverage — a child does not have to be eligible for HEALS services to receive this assistance. 
  • HEALS staff will assist parents/guardians with the appropriate application and will help obtain the required paperwork for Medicaid and AllKids
  • Parents can call any of the HEALS Clinics for information and help. For more information on participating insurance providers, visit AllKids

*AllKids is a low-cost, comprehensive healthcare coverage program for children under the age of 19. Benefits include well-child check-ups, immunizations, sick child doctor visits, prescriptions, vision and dental care, hospitalization, mental health and substance abuse services, and more.